The Department of Statistics Seminar Series is open to the public during the academic year and takes place on select Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. in 6011 Donald Bren Hall (unless noted). For additional information, please contact Seminar Administrative Coordinator: Lisa Stieler at or (949) 824-3806.
Past Statistics Seminar Series:
2021-22 • 2020-21 • 2019-20 • 2018-19 • 2017-18 • 2016-17 • 2015-16 • 2014-15 •
2013-14 • 2012-13 • 2011-12 • 2010-11
Spring 2023
April 6
Federico Camerlenghi
Associate Professor, Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Bayesian Nonparametric Priors for Genomic Variant Discoveries
April 13
Genevera Allen
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Statistics and Computer Science, Rice University
Fast and Powerful Minipatch Ensemble Learning for Discovery and Inference
April 27
Xuan Bi
Assistant Professor, Information and Decision Sciences, University of Minnesota
Data-Driven Label-Poisoning Backdoor Attack
May 4
Padhraic Smyth
Professor, Computer Science, UC Irvine
Statistical Thinking in Deep Learning
May 11
Xiaowu Dai
Assistant Professor, Statistics, UCLA
Statistical Learning and Matching Markets
May 18
Mark Handcock
Professor, Statistics, UCLA
Tapered Exponential-family Models for Social Networks
May 23
Mladen Kolar
Associate Professor, Econometrics and Statistics, University of Chicago Booth
Confidence sets for Causal Discovery
* Note: This Seminar is on a Tuesday. *
May 25
Jacob Bien
Associate Professor, Data Sciences and Operations, USC
Generalized Data Thinning Using Sufficient Statistics
June 1
Lan Xue
Professor, Statistics, Oregon State
Using Auxiliary Information in Probability Survey Data to
Improve Pseudo-Weighting in Non-Probability Samples: A
Copula Model Approach
Winter 2023
February 2
Edray Herber Goins
Professor of Math and Statistics, Pomona College
Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience (PRiME): Reflections on a Research Learning Community
February 9
Peyman Kassani
Senior Research Scientist, CHOC Research Institute
Error-controlled Variable Selections in Imaging and Genomics Studies
February 16
Mimi Liljeholm
Associate Professor, Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine
The Value of Control
February 23
Angela Zhou
Asst. Professor of Data Sciences and Operations, USC Marshall School of Business
Confounding-Robust Policy Learning under Sequentially Exogenous Unobserved Confounders
March 2
Ronghui (Lily) Xu
Professor, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health, UCSD
Doubly Robust Estimation for Time-to-event Outcomes
March 9
Stephen Mandt
Associate Professor, Computer Science, UC Irvine
From Approximate Bayesian Inference to Neural Data Compression
Fall 2022
September 22
Dan Gillen
Department Chair
September 29
Jane-Ling Wang
UC Davis
Testing Homogeneity for Independent Functional Data: The Trouble with Sparse Functional Data
October 6
Yifei Sun
Dynamic Risk Prediction Triggered by Intermediate Events Using Survival Tree Ensembles
October 13
Cory Zigler
UT Austin
Weather2vec: Representation Learning for Causal Inference with Non-Local Confounding in Air Pollution and Climate Studies
October 20
Naisyin Wang
Goodness of Fit Tests for Differentially-Private Frequency Tables
October 27
Xiaotong Shen
Data Perturbation
Distinguished Speaker
November 3
Peng Ding
Covariate Adjustment in Multi-armed, Possibly Factorial Experiments
November 10
Zhengling Qi
George Washington U
Reinforcement Learning under Unmeasured Confounding
November 17
Stefan Wager
Learning from a Biased Sample
December 1 – Seminar Cancelled
Edray Herber Goins
Pomona College
Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience (PRiME): Reflections on a Research Learning Community